Irina said:

Hi Irina,

> Thank you all for answering me.
> I found one link that may be very interesting
> (
> Next, I thought if there is a place for automatic uploading rules, then may
> be notifying me and I would reload SA.  That is what I asked in my email.
> It is bad that I want to free up my time by using somebody else's rules.
> Sorry, but may be someone shares.

Don't worry about using other people's rules, thats why we released them :)  The
more people that use them the better I say.

If you find some of the custom rulesets that you like, RulesDuJour (RDJ) can be 
big help.  You can set it up to run via a cron job once per day, tell it which
custom sets you want to use and it will go out and check for updated sets.  You 
have it automatically update your copy of the file and then restart 
and email you a notice of which sets were updated.

I think this link was posted already. but just in case:

Also, some of us need to update the SA wiki custom rules page, due to new sets 
are not listed there at this time.

Check out for more rules by the SARE Ninjas and if 
haven't found it yet take a peek at for more rules and 

If you do decide to run any custom sets, make sure to check them to see if they 
applicable to your systems and then add them in one or two at a time to make 
that you don't have any problems.

> I also have NOT used Bayes.  Don't know how safe it is.  Would I just submit
> a spam message and I don't have to anything else, or ham the same way?  Not
> sure.
> Thank you again.
> Let me know what you think.



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