  I want to use Spamassassin  with Postfix-Mailscanner or
Postfix-amavisd for an ISP level spam filter.

All users are virtual, and I would like to give the users full control
for setting their rulesets

For eg,
   A user must be able to set his own scores for the DRUGS_ERECTILE or
DCC_CHECKS. ( say he works in a pharmacy )  

Since there may be several thousands of users and most users would not
make custom settings ( though in theory they can ); it is not practical
to have users home directories.
Ideally I should be able to get the prefernces from a database or ldap
per user 

Is this possible ? Can someone point me some links to how this can be


Netcore Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Website:  http://www.netcore.co.in
Spamtraps: http://cleanmail.netcore.co.in/directory.html

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