Am Samstag, 11. Juni 2005 18:03 schrieb Stefan Ewert:
> Hi,
> im running spamassassin --lint -D and get the following error:
> debug: is Net::DNS::Resolver available? yes
> debug: Net::DNS version: 0.51
> debug: trying (3)
> debug: looking up NS for ''
> debug: NS lookup of failed horribly => Perhaps your
> resolv.conf isn't pointing at a valid server?
> debug: All NS queries failed => DNS unavailable (set dns_available to
> override)
> debug: is DNS available? 0
> I got SA version 3.0.3 and the nameserver in resolv.conf are ok.
> can u tell me where to search for the problem.
> NET::DNS works also, i tried this with a small perl script:
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
>  use Net::DNS;
>  $domain = $ARGV[0] || die "usage: $0 domain";
>  $resolver = new Net::DNS::Resolver;
>      # MX-Record abfragen
>  @mx = mx($resolver, $domain);
>  if (@mx) {
>          # Erfolg! Über alle Resource Records iterieren
>      foreach $rr (@mx) {
>          print $rr->preference, " ",
>                $rr->exchange, "\n";
>      }
>  } else {
>          # Leere Liste, Fehler!
>      print "Kein MX-Record für $domain: ",
>            $resolver->errorstring, "\n";
>  }
i got the following answer (pm):


As was mentioned yesterday on the list, Net::DNS 0.50 seems to be 
broken.  If you are running 0.50, upgrade to 0.51 or downgrade to 0.48

end of mail
but as you can see im using dns version 0.51 and it doesnt work for me. so if 
anyone has another suggest id happy to hear about it ;)

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