On Monday June 13 2005 7:46 am, Dimitri Yioulos wrote:
> On Sunday June 12 2005 7:07 pm, Chris Thielen wrote:
> > Hi Tim, Dimitri,
> >
> > Sorry to resurrect such an old thread!  I'm a bit concerned with the 500
> > error code being downloaded into the SA_DIR.
> >
> > Tim Jackson wrote:
> > >>Lint output: config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping:
> > >><html> config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: <head>
> > >>config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: <title>Error 500
> > >>Internal Server Error [timj.co.uk]</title>
> > >>...
> > >
> > >This bothers me a lot (and it looks like a generalised problem) and I am
> > >cc'ing Chris the RDJ maintainer. Chris, how is it that a download which
> > >has had a 500 error is managing to get saved to disk as a ruleset which
> > >SA then tries to use? Surely any 5xx error should mean that the
> > >downloaded page is discarded? Or did I screw something up? (a page with
> > >the title of "Error 500" certainly *should* have been sent with a HTTP
> > >500 code)
> >
> > RDJ does include code for both curl and wget to only copy rulesets that
> > have been "downloaded". The test for downloaded is if the server
> > returned a 200 code or not.  Error messages are sent back to the
> > administrator if the codes are 4xx or 5xx.
> >
> > Dimitri or any other RDJ users, have you continued to see this behavior
> > with a relatively recent version of RDJ?
> >
> >
> > Chris Thielen
> Chris,
> I haven't had RDJ pull down Bogus Virus Warnings for a while now, since I
> was unable to correct the 500 error code problem, and it would cause SA to
> role back all of the updating that had just been done.  Now, I run wget to
> download Bogus.  I should probably script that, but it sure would be nice
> if RDJ could handle the chore, since that's what it's for.  I'm casting no
> aspersions upon anyone for the problem, but if you're experiencing it, then
> either we both have a misconfiguration, or there is an issue somewhere.
> Sorry I can't help with it.
> Dimitri

Ooops.  Sorry for contigous posts.  I just read Tim's reply (thanks, Tim).  
I'll try again to have RDJ pull down Bogus now.  Am hopeful.


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