Cami wrote:
running 2 spamd servers and want to share the BAYES DB between
them... so that one never gets too swayed and that both the servers
are contantly synced etc...
anybody currently running an SQL backend off multiple Spamd servers??
and if so care to part with some knowledge???
SpamAssassin already supports storing your bayes in MySQL.

A work mate has done some patches for SpamAssassin which allows:

 * defining a master (all INSERT|UPDATE to the database go here)
 * defining a slave  (all SELECTS go here)

What does the slave do if the master goes down?

I'm running two SpamAssassin servers with enough traffic that file-based Bayes 
was becoming a bottleneck.  I installed MySQL on both and they each maintain 
their own independent database.
What's the point of running independenet databases? When there was news about SA supporting SQL for storing Bayes and AWL my first thought was: finally a proper way to have multiple spamd servers sharing the same data. This was good news! I always didn't like the fact that two different spamd servers working the same mail stream, but with seperate databases, would create different scores.


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