From: "Murty Rompalli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Quite fair - look at all the ham the rules hit. They are not very
good rules.


> Thank you for the report but is it fair to run masses for filtering
> phishing emails ? Phishing emails are not sent using the same bulk mailing
> software spammers use. Spammers most of the time dont even understand SMTP
> 451 retry but phishermen do. Also, phish doesn't go with spam and ham..its
> seafood for godsake :)
> > On Mon, Jun 20, 2005 at 01:58:52AM +0200, mouss wrote:
> >> >Here is my custom spamass rule file  to block Phishing emails. Please
> >> note
> >> >that this is aggressive and you may want to lower scores. But I refuse
> >> to
> >> >lower scores for my mail server :)
> >
> > FYI:
> >
> > OVERALL%   SPAM%     HAM%     S/O    RANK   SCORE  NAME
> >   27218    23226     3992    0.853   0.00    0.00  (all messages)
> > 100.000  85.3332  14.6668    0.853   0.00    0.00  (all messages as %)
> >   1.029   1.1367   0.4008    0.739   0.79    3.50  MURTY_PHISHING2
> >  20.450  17.9842  34.7946    0.341   0.41    3.00  MURTY_PHISHING1
> >   1.249   0.5339   5.4108    0.090   0.17    4.00  MURTY_PHISHING3

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