On Jun 22, 2005, at 9:36 PM, Mike Pepe wrote:
In analyzing the ones that make it through, I see that other users in my domain are CC, which causes the auto-whitelist to score the spam lower than if I run it through manually without that test.

I'm sure others may chime in to say that auto-whitelist is just doing it's job. However, it's for reasons such as this that I always disable auto-whitelist. It usually proves to be a source of much confusion and FP/FN mail for me. YMMV.

I've just set auto-whitelist to 0 in my .spamassassin/user_prefs.cf which I hope will stop that from happening, but in the meantime is there some way to manipulate or even reset my whitelist database?

You can reset the auto-whitelist by deleting it.

rm ~/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist*

- S
Steven Dickenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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