You might want to take a look at this:

Very useful for inclusion into RBLs if you so desire. I myself am not very keen at all on blocking entire countries, but the option is there if you need/want it.



Andy Spiegl wrote:
Hi Carlo,

back in May you wrote:

  Moreover, you might want to firewall (or reject their mail
  otherwise before it reaches spamassassin) all of South Korea and
  all of China -- that will reduce the ammount of spam you
  receive with about 99% ... So, it is more than worth it.

When I read this I thought it's overkill but in the meantime and after
looking at my logs (not only from SA but also ssh-attacks) I DO think that
it's a good idea to block these IPs.

Is the list of IPs you had included deducted from you logfiles or did you
find a somewhat official list of networks in Asia?  Do you maybe already
have an updated list?  There is one Korean IP that's bothering me
incredibly these days with hundreds of thousands of ssh-connections:
But I didn't find it on your list although it's Korean.  So maybe I just
misunderstood you.

Thanks in advance,

Martyn Drake

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