-- quote --
<server.thierdomain.com #5.2.3 smtp;450 5.2.3 Msg Size greater than allowed by 
Remote Host>
Assuming that the mailbox is not full (especially because it is on another 
server), how would the linux/spamassassin box be limiting the mail size? And 
where would I find this setting, woould it be postfix, sendmail or spamassassin 
that is doing it?
Thanks in advance for you help.

-- end quote --

Probably sendmail.  Check sendmail.mc for something like this:
dnl Reject messages bigger than 50 MB
dnl size is specified in bytes
dnl 50 MB * 1024 KB/MB * 1024 B/KB = 52428800 B
define(`confMAX_MESSAGE_SIZE', `52428800')dnl

where the confMAX_MESSAGE_SIZE is the thing.

On my machine sendmail.mc is in

but in your machine this may be different.

After you update sendmail.mc you'll need to m4 it to sendmail.cf, then restart 

Matthew.van.Eerde (at) hbinc.com                 805.964.4554 x902
Hispanic Business Inc./HireDiversity.com         Software Engineer
perl -e"map{y/a-z/l-za-k/;print}shift" "Jjhi pcdiwtg Ptga wprztg,"

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