"Mike Keller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 07/05/2005 02:32:29 PM:

> After rebuilding my sendmail.cf with the following:

> INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`smtp-vilter', `S=unix:/var/smtp-vilter/smtp-
> vilter.sock, F=T, T=C:15m;S:10m;R:10m;E:15m')

> I am still getting some messages in that have a 0.0 score for both
> the message and the threshold.  I have not had a spam message come
> in yet with a 0.0 score, but shouldn’t all mail have at least the X-
> Spam-Threshold header correct?

> X-SMTP-Vilter-Version: 1.1.8
> X-SMTP-Vilter-Virus-Backend: clamd
> X-SMTP-Vilter-Status: clean
> X-SMTP-Vilter-clamd-Virus-Status: clean
> X-SMTP-Vilter-Spam-Backend: spamd
> X-Spam-Score: 0.0
> X-Spam-Threshold: 0.0
> X-Spam-Probability: 1.2
> X-SMTP-Vilter-Unwanted-Backend: attachment
> X-SMTP-Vilter-attachment-Unwanted-Status: clean

Those headers are being added by your milter, not SA.  Check your milter docs to see what is normal.  The default headers that SA normally adds are:



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