Hello Lorenzo,

Tuesday, July 5, 2005, 5:22:04 AM, you wrote:

LL> Hello,
LL> I receive some emails form a newsletter that is not spam.
LL> These emails go through SpamAssasin and they get this score:
LL> Content analysis details:   (2.0 points, 2.0 required)

LL> I configured SpamAssasin with a 2.0 points as threshold
LL> because many spams came with a score lower than 3.0.

What version of SpamAssassin are you using?

I would suggest you raise your threshold to at least 4.0 if not back
to the original 5.0, and you fix your operation so it catches more

1) If you aren't using network tests, do so.

2) If you aren't using SURBL tests, do so.

3) If you aren't using the better SARE rules files, do so.

Thousands of non-spam come through the systems here each week with
scores 2.0 to 3.0; very few spam get below 5.0

However, realize that you cannot reach 100% accuracy.  There is no way
to catch every single spam without also flagging some non-spam as if
it were spam.

Bob Menschel

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