Gene Heskett wrote:
On Thursday 07 July 2005 21:15, Daryl C. W. O'Shea wrote:

Justin Mason wrote:

however, it'd be nice to get a copy with full headers so we could
think about whitelisting it ;)

- --j.

The problem arises if the open source filter is installed straight
out of the box; the messages (usually written in upper case) are
not considered spam.

According to the article, we should think about blacklisting the
message. ;)

And just exactly what would that accomplish? And no, I'm not asking that tongue in cheek. How many might be able to get clear if the message was delivered in a timely manner?

*That* is what the article said -- "the problem arises if [SA] is installed straight out of the box, the messages are NOT considered spam".

The article, not I, says it's a problem that the message isn't tagged as spam by default. Personally, I think that the fact that the message isn't thought to be spam by SpamAssassin is a good thing.

As to how many might be able to get clear... unfortunately I don't expect that email notifications (even if delivered immediately) would help a substantial number of people. That's not to say it's not a worthwhile cause, I certainly think that it is a good idea no matter how many or few people it may potential help and I'm glad that SpamAssassin, by default, correctly marks the mail as wanted mail.


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