On Monday 11 July 2005 15:31, Kai Schaetzl wrote:
> Chavdar Videff wrote on Mon, 11 Jul 2005 13:40:14 +0300:
> > If I got it right, we should run sa-learn for each user in order to
> > benefit from bayes. We intend to run a cron job for each user and do it
> > at night by supplying a daily snapshot of our spam and ham collections to
> > sa-learn.
> Do I understand you correctly? You use Bayes for each user, but you want to
> sa-learn each of them the same daily corpus? This means the only difference
> in the user's Bayes db's will be auto-learned mail or mail learned by those
> users (if anything of that is possible/allowed with your setup). Doesn't
> look too useful to me. If most of the db content is the same then you could
> just use a site-wide db. Also, Bayes gets better the more mail it gets. If
> your users don't get many mail their individual Bayes db's won't be very
> effective. I'm all for using site-wide Bayes unless you users get really a
> lot of mail (I'd say at least 100 mails per user per day).
> Kai
I thought it was installed site-wide, however the only bayes db's I find on 
the system are in each user's ~/.spamassassin folder. And indeed, the only 
way I can make bayes learn is by teaching it on a per-user basis. For quite a 
few months I collected spam, feeded it to sa-learn and finially reading this 
list relized that all I did was teach root's database. Everybody else did not 
benefit from bayes which was screwd because of autolearning a lot of spam to 
be ham. 
If there is a way to set up a single bayes database I would prefer that, for 
the scenario I am posting about does not make me happy (running 100 sa-learns 
at night).

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