From: "sasa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> "Steve Sobol" wrote:
> > That's the way I'd do it. I'd much, MUCH rather install Perl modules via
> > CPAN than have to go resolve RPM dependencies. If there's an RPM
> > that works with my distro, great! Otherwise...
> ..I have used YUM and the installation it's ok !!
> thanks.
>         Salvatore.

You and Warren are half right. The install is without declared error and
it works, after a fashion. I had a working 3.0.4 installation. I imported
the files to the location CPAN seems to use for the local configuration.
The error rate I saw was astoundingly larger than the setup I had on
Mandrake. (I had to rip out their SA and install via CPAN, with FAR
fewer additional items needed, in order to get it happy to work with.
At the time all Mandrake had was 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 was out with some rather
important fixes.) I took that as an indication that the installation was
somewhat Borked. So, I ripped it out and transplanted via CPAN. It was
far easier than trying to Bugzilla it, spend months waiting for someone
to get around to fixing it, and meanwhile living with a high error rate.
I also noticed that the files which were installed for the FC4 install
seemed to be different from the archive I took of the install I'd been
running with critical locations for files changed. This MAY have come
from using the /etc/mail alternative to the structurally cleaner
/etc/mail/spamassassin destination for related files.

So yes, FC4 does install it and it runs without error. For reasons I
can, at this time, only surmise the error rates on both spam and ham
that I saw were about 10 times worse than that to which I have grown
to enjoy. I was in a hurry to get it working so I did what I felt I
had to do to get it working right.


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