service spamassassin stop

Get the name right. It really helps.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The whole thing is that yesterday i did sa-learn spam with spam folder and
today the server is runing very slowely now. Emails from to local users take
about 3 hours to deliver. I`m runing RH 9.2 with postfix and spamassassin
3.0.4. I know i can kill processes but every time i try to kill spamd its
still there. Then when i try service spamd stop it gives me a msg that INET
socket is already running. I thought if i stop spamassassin competly from
running maybe the mail will work fast again. I have only about 20 email
account on the server and 20 domain aliases so there is not too much traffic
at all. I have non stop stuff coming tom y server for the accounts that are
not here and i know this is slowing it down a bit but at this time is runnng
very poorly.

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