Hello Dr. Young,

Wednesday, July 13, 2005, 3:37:18 PM, you wrote:

DRY> If this is set in local.cf

DRY> whitelist_from_rcvd    @gold.com   gold.com
DRY> trusted_networks  gold.com ( via the IP address }

DRY> and the incoming email header looks like (xxx added by me)

DRY> Received: ...
DRY> From: "Dagnija Ragland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
DRY> To: "Hashim Ojeda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

DRY> will the email be treated as "white" and get scored a -100 accordingly?

No, since the From is not from anything at gold.com.
(BTW, the correct syntax would be
> whitelist_from_rcvd [EMAIL PROTECTED] goldcom

For whitelist_from_rcvd to get scored, the From address must match
that first glob pattern (eg: [EMAIL PROTECTED]), and the last trusted
received header (in your case received ... by email1.gold.com) must be
from the domain name listed in the second parameter (gold.com).

Your trusted_networks should probably not be the domain gold.com, but
rather the IP addresses of the two machines email1.gold.com =
relay1.gold.com and also kashmir.gold.com (plus any other email/relay
machines that might handle the email).

Bob Menschel

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