Debbie D wrote:
I often want to alter the scores of already set filters in the SARE and other custom filter sets.. what/where is the proper places to do this without altering each individual set which will get over-written down the road


You want to add them to a .cf file in /etc/mail/spamassassin, alongside all your other custom rulesets. (If your custom rulesets are in /usr/share/spamassassin/, move them ONLY the default rules should be there. This directory WILL be obliterated on upgrade.)

You also want your score-over-ride to be parsed AFTER the SARE rule files are parsed. In SA, the last-file read has the final say in what the score of a rule is, and it's done that way intentionally to facilitate over-riding scores.

SA parses all the *.cf files in /etc/mail/spamassassin in alphabetical order, so might be a good choice of filename.

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