I'm a little confused on what you are reporting here, but I *think* you are

a    You are using 2.64
b    The mail doesn't have a Subject line
c    The mail is spam
d    The subject isn't getting tagged with [spam].
e    You are using qmail

If that is right, I think the key may be the last item there.  I'm pretty
sure that 2.6x would create a subject line if needed containing the spam
score, even if there wasn't one in the original mail.  (However, maybe this
depends on the report_safe value).  3.0 definitely had a feature where it
would not create a subject line with a score if there was no subject on the
original spam.  This was fixed in 3.0.3 or so.

If you aren't seeing a subject line on blank mails, check to see if
report_safe is encapsulating the spam as an attachment or just modifying the
headers with the spam report.  As an attachment it should definitely be
tagged.  If it isn't, it must be a qmail settings problem, I think.


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