>I lately received a lot of spam that contains a URL of with an ampersand 
>  like the following ones:
>so spammers are trying to evade filters that consider '&' as a 
>terminator, since rizssxavpbb.org is a random "domain" and won't be listed.
>The domains are now caught by various lists. but I think they can be 
>caught independently. one way I see is to add a score if '&' is found in 
>a URL. something like
>#ampresand in domain
>rawbody   FOO_URI_AMPERSAND        m{http://[\w\d\.\%\#]*\&}i
>describe  FOO_URI_AMPERSAND        URL contains ampersand
>score     FOO_URI_AMPERSAND        1
>would this cause false positives? how to improve this rule? (we could 
>also look for other suspicious chars).
>maybe add a similar rule to increase the score if the ampersand 
>immediately follws a well-known tld (.org, .com,... at least)?

        All Leo Kuvayev, both with the interesting contact email of
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for some.  All his name servers and the "known"
addresses of:

   Mahov, Igor               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Borovskoe shosse 25, 2
   Moscow, MSK 119633
   +1-347-328-5225 fax: +1-347-328-5225


   Jeff Westbury (DDSQK) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   77 Beak Street, #118
   London,    W1F 9DB    W1F 9DB
   United Kingdom
   Phone: (1)3473285225 x 

        Of interest is that the Russian address has been changed to also
use the Brooklyn cell phone telephone number.

        Paul Shupak

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