From: "Gene Heskett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I wonder if perhaps earthlink is not the only ISP with that problem.  
> I have my vz prefs set to delete any detected spam as I have now 
> switched to a fetchmail based mail suck.
> Haveing a kmail problem the other day, I logged in via the webmail at 
> vz, and found 9 messages, all spam, sitting in the spam folder there.
> So I checkmarked them to be deleted, and as I had the tech support guy 
> on my ear at the time, I noted that delete didn't, it just moved the 
> stuff to the trash folder.  That pulled my trigger and I made it 
> clear to the support drone that when I clicked on delete, thats 
> exactly what I intended to happen.  As vz is currently setup, you 
> then have to move to the trash folder, select them all again, and 
> click delete to be able to be truely rid of the wasted space.

That's web mail. I'm highly allergic to that "abortion". So I never
use it. At one point, though, I had something even web mail could
not repair. So the whole mail file at Earthlink had to be deleted.

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