Fixed the problem. Looks like the howto I followed for setting up
spamass-milter was wrong. After redoing my sendmail config for it, all is

Thanks for all the help everyone.


> I decided to run spamd in debug mode, and log what it was seeing. This is
> what I found for a direct delivered message..
> debug: received-header: unknown format: from (unknown)
> by;
> Searched around on Google, and saw a reference that atleast in
> spamass-milter 0.2, the milter fakes the received header to appease SA.
> However, that method doesn't work so well.
> --John
>> Thanks for the info.
>> I fixed that Received line, by removing the line wrap, and it was no
>> longer ALL_TRUSTED.
>> Now that I know what the issue is, I just need to figure out why the
>> header is getting munged.
>> Thanks,
>> John
>>> John T. Yocum wrote:
>>>> Thanks. I tried adding the /32 to the end, but that didn't have an
>>>> effect.
>>>> I did run the headers through spamassassin -D and got the following.
>>>> debug: received-header: unknown format: from
>>>> (
>>>> debug: metadata: X-Spam-Relays-Trusted:
>>>> debug: metadata: X-Spam-Relays-Untrusted:
>>>> Thus, it was tagged as ALL_TRUSTED.
>>>> What is really odd, is this only happens to direct delivered mail, any
>>>> message relayed via another host, doesn't get the ALL_TRUSTED flag.
>>> Well, that much makes sense. SA can't parse the Received: headers your
>>> server
>>> generates, but it can parse ones generated by outside servers. Thus,
>>> outside
>>> mail with another relay will show up as having been through an
>>> untrusted
>>> host.
>>> The problem you need to track down is why can't SA parse your Received:
>>> headers.
>>> Based on the debug output you got it could be an issue with line-wrap
>>> formating.
>>> At casual glance, the headers you quoted look correct, but it's
>>> impossible
>>> to
>>> tell if they're really correct because they've been copy-pasted into an
>>> email
>>> message which adds line wraps.
>>> To check that, you need to look at a set of pristine message headers,
>>> not
>>> a
>>> copy-paste of them, in a hex editor. (The process of copy-pasting can
>>> change
>>> linewrap formats, replace tabs with spaces, and other sundry things
>>> that
>>> would
>>> matter here).
>>> One thing I can tell you is that there MUST NOT be a linewrap between
>>> the
>>> end of
>>> the RDNS hostname and the [ for the IP address.
>>> This quotation should be only 3 lines long:
>>> Received: from (
>>> [])
>>>      by (8.13.4/8.13.4) with ESMTP id
>>> j6OKabJS014331
>>>      for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Sun, 24 Jul 2005 13:36:40 -0700
>>> But I'm assuming the extra linewrap after .jp was added by your mail
>>> client.

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