>Hello hamann,
>Sunday, July 31, 2005, 1:01:45 AM, you wrote:
>H> for some reason the spam sample at
>H> http://wolfgang.remsnet.de/medspam.txt is only classified by html
>H> rules, and by various dns tests, but the common drugs and human
>H> body part rules missed it. Anyone would have an idea why this is
>H> so?
>The rules missed it because the rules weren't written to catch these
>examples. More likely, as Loren said, the spammer spent some serious
>time finding some way to get his words past the filters.
>I've captured your sample, and will include it in my analysis the next
>time I work on the obfuscation rule set.
>Bob Menschel
        Leo Kuvayev - Leo claims to have an IQ of 145 (but it wasn't
a normally accepted test and a Stanford-Binet isn't very accurate above
about 125-130.

        JJPLANULARCH. INFO - currently active Westbury stooges registered
to a Mailboxes Etc. address in London with a Brooklyn telephone number.
The same guy who operated all the multitrade domains and the Mather Platt
domains also.  Currently #3 with a bullet on Spamhaus' list.

        Paul Shupak

Leo, you out there?

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