From: "Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > Shutting down spamd: [  OK  ]
> > Starting spamd: Could not create INET socket on Address
> >  already in use (IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use) [FAILED]
> >
> > -------------------------------------------------------

> Here's some anecdotal evidence, for whatever it's worth.  I manage six
> mail servers (three clients plus my own) running spamd.  Four are
> Fedora Core 1 or 3 (one of the threes is heavily loaded - over 18K
> mails per day) and the other two are FreeBSD.
> I have had problems with spamd going away on the very lightly loaded
> (15-20 mails per day) FreeBSD machine.  After some testing, I
> determined that, after the morning updating of rules_du_jour, the
> restart was not getting the job done, even after I extended the sleep
> between stop and start.  I changed the RDJ script to use reload
> instead of restart, and it hasn't "gone down" since.
> I know your problem isn't RDJ.  I related that vignette to illustrate
> that there may be some kind of odd race condition that causes spamd
> not to restart properly.
> I would think it would be more effective to reduce the max number of
> connections per child, if you're trying to hold down memory
> consumption.
> Cheers,

Bob, first I'm going to slightly edit the subject so that the reply doesn't
into my cronjob folder.  I thought I'd try the 'reload' instead of 'restart'
however, however it seems like 'reload' is not an option:

<< jdow: edit /etc/init.d/spamassassin and make it an option. For FC4 this
works when placed between the stop) and restart) cases.
        # Reload the daemon's configs
        echo -n $"Reloading configuration: "
        killproc spamd -HUP


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