On Tue, 2005-08-09 at 16:36 -0400, Rob McEwen wrote:

> But I do hate the idea of someone sending out < 10 unsolicited but
> hand-typed e-mails being treated the same as a spammer sending out 10,000
> unsolicited and impersonal e-mails per day... but somehow I think that this
> is already taken care of in spite of what some of the more aggressive mail
> administrators have said today.

You miss the point - UCE is UCE is UCE, no matter how nice the guy is
who sends it or whether it is hand typed or not.

It pushes the cost of the sender's advertising onto the victim.  In
pretty much any other arena this would be called theft of service and
prosecutable.  The reason that is not the case with spam is because of
people like you who have the attitude that "a little spam is OK."  

No, it's not.  UCE is not OK, no matter what.  It should be treated as
theft of service.  I've set up dozens of SpamAssassin servers for
clients to the tune of many many thousands of dollars, and I'm a pretty
small operation.  Do you think they have me set these up because they
like me and they want to put money in my pocket?  No!  It's because it
costs them more to deal with spam when it hits their users inboxes than
it does to deal with it at the server.  Spam has cost my clients TONS of
money.  It's wrong, no matter how well intentioned it is.  If you
support a spammer then you are part of the problem.  

Nothing against you personally Rob - I am sure you're a nice guy.  You
should not support people who spam.


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