At 08:19 AM 8/15/2005, Fettke, Dirk wrote:
I become desperateĀ… I want any mail with specific subject (like: viagra postbank, AdobeĀ…) mark as spam.

Ok, SA can be made to do that.. it's a little less straightforward than just saying "block subject xyz" but it's not hard.

A short rule with a high score will do the trick:

header BANNED_SUB1      subject ~= /Banned subject text 1/i
score BANNED_SUB1               100

The Mail should be dropped and not delivered to Mailbox.

That is a trick SA itself can't do. It can't delete mail. HOWEVER, most of the tools that call SA can do this.

Our Mailserver is only for relaying and filtering for spam and viruses. So there are no local mailboxes.

Ok, so you want to do this at the MTA layer.. amavis or mailscanner would be good choices. Both can be told to delete spam mail over a certain score level.

Is there a possibility to do this with spamassassin?

When combined with other tools, yes, although something as simple as just blocking a specific subject is a job that spamassassin is overkill for.

If you only need subject blocking, and you don't need robust spam scanning, you might want to look at something less powerful like milter-regex instead.

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