I'm going to guess that whitelist isn't taken into consideration.

-12 for autolearning of ham is pretty extreme, I'm not surprised you aren't seeing any autolearning. The default is .1

On Aug 19, 2005, at 1:24 PM, Matthew Yette wrote:

Running the sa-stats.pl version 0.9 that produces a chart with stats on
what rules are hit for spam and ham most frequently, I notice that of
all 13,411 autolearns performed, every one of them was for spam. Ham has
0 messages autolearned. Wouldn't, for example, a message that comes in
and has been whitelisted (and therefore scoring ~ -100) be autolearned?
My bayes thresholds are set for 12.1 (spam) and -12.0(ham).

Matthew Yette
Senior Engineer - NOC/Operations
MA Polce Consulting, Inc.
315-838-1644 (w)
315-356-0597 (f)
AIM/Yahoo: MAPolceNOC

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