Dan Mahoney, System Admin wrote:
>> From the 3.1 features list:
> - Razor: disable Razor2 support by default per our policy, since the
>   service is not free for non-personal use.  It's trivial to reenable.
> - DCC: disable DCC for similar reasons, due to new license terms.
> Okay, I just looked over the sites for both those products, as well as
> the wiki.  How has the license changed?  As a service provider, what do
> I need to do to comply with that license?

Razor -

Ask for clarification from the cloudmark folks on razor users. Their license
changed a long time ago, and it isn't well defined.

Basically, it looks like you have to pay if you fall in either of these 

1) reseller of appliances using razor
2) high volume user, where high volume is decided by cloudmark.


DCC changed more recently, largely due to there being a patent on a good chunk
of DCC's fundamental concepts. On the plus side, they worked out a licensing
deal that's free for most people.

Basically, it looks like you have to pay if you do any of the following:

1) resell security or spam appliances using DCC
2) resell security or spam services using DCC
3) maintain a private DCC server that does not participate in flood exchange
with the global network.

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