Chris Santerre wrote:

>>1.  I tried the following rule on some test emails:
> ......................^ Modifier missing? 

Modifier? What's a modifier?

While it might be more common to see someone using parentheses, AFAIK they
aren't required:


I think question 1 is entirely answered by the missing _ in the rule name for
the score statement. That would cause the TOO_MANY_URIBLS to default back to 1.0
for a score.

As for question 2)
> 2.  I then tried a test rule, for sanity:
> describe  TEST_AMP_1 On too many URIBLs
> score TEST_AMP_1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 

I suspect that TEST_AMP_1 failed to match because your rulefiles contain syntax
errors and the parser is getting confused. Certainly the missing underscore
above would have a good chance of breaking the parser.

I'd suggest running spamassassin --lint to look for other typos. lint should run
and exit without printing anything if all is well.

Also, style comment for Anthony. If you're just doing a fixed score that you
want to apply no mater what scoreset is used, you don't need to repeat it for
times. SA accepts this format:

score TEST_AMP_1 1.2

As being equivalent to:

score TEST_AMP_1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2

And it's a little easier to recognize the rule is just a fixed-score rule. Also,
SA only accepts those 2 formats. You must have either 1 score or 4 scores on a
score line. You can't have 2,3,or any other number of scores or the parser will

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