On Wednesday, September 7, 2005, 3:37:54 PM, Greg Allen wrote:
> Spamcop admins are idiots. They have always had issues with allowing major
> ISPs such as Hotmail to be listed.

Insults won't get you very far.  The SpamCop folks have done much
to stop spam.  They've also put a lot of hard work into their
system, keeping it running, etc.  They have my respect and
admiration, even if they're not perfect.

> Spamcop users are idiots too. When you have end users pushing the 'this is
> spam' button when they get an email that they don't like from their own
> friends or family, well... you get Spamcop.

For most external users of SpamCop, there is no "this is spam"
button.  I know that because I am a SpamCop user.  And no, I'm
not an idiot.  Perhaps you are thinking of AOL's SCOMP?

> For another example of what idiot users can do with Spamcop..

Ever hear of garbage in garbage out?  If you dumber users misuse
SpamCop it can indeed cause problems.  Same is true of many other
things they can screw up.  The answer is education, as Michelle
points out. 

Jeff C.
Jeff Chan

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