On Wed, 7 Sep 2005, Chris wrote:

Hmm, I had a similar error on the 4th of Sept, sent a msg to the list
regarding this, but have yet to receive any replies.

Sep  4 14:00:50 cpollock spamd[1377]: SPF: lookup failed: __alarm___BEGIN
failed--compilation aborted
at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi/Net/DNS/RR/A.pm
line 8, <GEN5> line 97._Compilation failed in require at (eval 56) line 3,
<GEN5> line 97.
Sep  4 14:32:39 cpollock spamd[1377]: SPF: lookup failed: Can't locate object
method "new" via package "Net::DNS::RR::A"

Try grabbing a newer version of Net-DNS and anything it depends on. That smells awfully familiar to me...


at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi/Net/DNS/RR.pm line
241, <GEN21> line 68.

And the rest is as follows (NOTE THE SCANTIMES).

Sep  7 22:08:20 quark spamd[63384]: identified spam (10.6/5.0) for
icehacker:65534 in 1384.5 seconds, 4461 bytes.
Sep  7 22:08:20 quark spamd[63384]: result: Y 10 -
scantime=1384.5,size=4461,mid=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]

My scantimes have not changed as yours have though.

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