On Sep 14, 2005, at 5:12 PM, jdow wrote:

jdow a écrit :

Am I alone in having a perception that using mimedefang and amavis-new
is its own punishment?

At the time I started using SA what
I had available was procmail.

Procmail works if your users have access to the right things for invoking procmail, or if you're using mail software for which procmail can be used as a local delivery agent, or something along those lines.

That doesn't include every mail server arrangement and software package out there. Plus, if you're on a non-trivial mail server (you know, more than a few thousand active users), procmail is just an insane way to invoke spam assassin.

Further, mimedefang isn't all about invoking Spam Assassin. It really seems to be more about protection against viruses, bad attachments, and other exploits. It's ability to also deal with spam assassin seems to be frosting on the cake, not the cake itself (if I am digesting the history of mimedefang correctly).

And, last, some of us postmasters would rather not accept these types of messages in the first place. Then we don't have to worry about idiot users replying to them, sending bounces back, or if their vacation implementation will reply to a virus or spam message (inevitably leaving large numbers of these replies stranded in our mail queues). Relying upon users, even intelligent ones, to do the sensible thing is an exercise even less productive than masturbation.

Instead, we would rather reject the message during the SMTP transaction. Try that with procmail (unless, of course someone writes a procmail-milter, in which case it's no different than using mimedefang or amavis).

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