On Sonntag, 18. September 2005 02:44 mouss wrote:
> if you delete after learning, make sure FPs are copied and not moved.
> otherwise, you need to redeliver, but that would be a bit silly (just
> because you sa-learn doesn't mean they won't be reclassified as
> spam...).

Yes, all FPs are only copied, and users put another copy to their 
correct mailbox manually. I guess I should document that.

> also, the permission issue must be handled correctly (in my case,
> mailstore belongs to vmail, but SA is run as another user). I am
> still looking for a way to not use root...

I use a shared bayes_db, therefore the user issue is none for me. Some 
users who want it can have their own bayes, which is trained when they 
put their SPAM/FP into the SPAM_(yes|no) folders.

You can just skip the "sudo -u root" for your site, if you want to train 
as the specific user - a "sudo -u $user" is done in the beginning of 
that line...

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