Matt Kettler wrote:
NFN Smith wrote:

Bowie Bailey wrote:

Thus, if I'm running SpamAssassin on server xx.yy.zz.ww, and I get a
message from server, I want both servers to trust each
other, because I control both servers, and there's no intermediate
relay between the two.

Then you just need to add one line to the config on each server.

On server "xx.yy.zz.ww":

On server ""
trusted_networks xx.yy.zz.ww

Actually, you should include the IP of the actual server in the list too, so...

On server "xx.yy.zz.ww":
trusted_networks xx.yy.zz.ww

On server ""
trusted_networks xx.yy.zz.ww

This is exactly what I'm doing.  Yet when I send a spammy test message
from a server whose IP address is one that's specified by
trusted_networks, the message is getting a full SA score.

That's exactly what should happen.

trusted_networks is NOT a whitelist.

Trust here means trusted to not forge headers, it does not mean that trusted to
be spam free, and is not a "get out of spam scanning free" ticket.

Like Matt said, it's not in itself a whitelist (ALL_TRUSTED only gives you -4.1 or something like that), but it is absolutely necessary to have correct. It's also the basis for whitelisting using "whitelist_from_rcvd" or "whitelist_from_spf". Not to mention that it also affects most of the DNS blacklist checks.


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