> For those who went from 3.0.4 to the latest release
> candidate, would you say it's a worthy upgrade? Where do you
> see the largest benefits? Is it overall a good move if you're
> currently pretty satisfied with 3.0.4?

I can't speak for other platforms, but for Windows users, I'd rate this
is a must-have upgrade. The combination of upgrading to ActivePerl 5.8.7
and SA 3.1.0 fixed some serious socket issues with DNS queries. SA 3.0.x
used to crash regularly here even in single-threaded mode. Some of the
was the way SA handled DNS queries for RBL and URIBL; some of it was
Net::DNS; some of it was ActivePerl. I haven't had a crash since prior
to 3.1.0 pre1 (i.e., back before it was even at release candidate
level), and have enabled parallel_requests now so multiple threads of SA
are happening-- have verified it in the logs-- and still no crashes.
Kudos to the developers!

If you have any stability problems with this on Windows, upgrading
ActivePerl, Net::DNS and SA has a very good chance of stabilizing the
environment. It did here.


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