> On Sonntag, 25. September 2005 08:54 Herb Martin wrote:
> > [detailed description snipped]
> > If a message gets by all this and is spammy then drop it 
> into one of 
> > two "spam catch accounts" for review.
> Seems to me most of this is "hand made" stuff, and quite a 
> good concept, BTW. Maybe it would be good to integrate 
> this/such a policy in SA. Is there any developer of SA 
> already working on it? If it makes the world safer, it would 
> be nice everybody [who wants] can implement it.
> mfg zmi

There is a Greylist plugin for SpamAssassin but I
don't understand it's strategy or purpose...

1) It makes no conceptual sense to me on the surface
        to ask SpamAssassin to "score for greylist" when
        SA is not a mail "filter" but rather a classifier
        that lets the "real mail filter" (e.g., your MTA
        access controls) reject, accept, or defer the

2) I don't want to SA check a message that is going to
        be greylist deferred even when SA hasn't run yet.
        (most of the time)

3) Sometimes I do want to Greylist AFTER SA tells me the
        message is especially Spammy. 

4) Since my method is working (and fits those criteria above)
        I haven't really investigated the available plugin
        to understand how those issues are addressed or
        violated.  (Lack of knowledge on my part.)

I would be interested to hear another point of view from
those who understand the SA Greylist plugin....

Herb Martin

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