This is working pretty well so far.
Thanks for you help with this.

I would like to enhance it to cater for the situations where I am not in
the "To" address (e.g. I am in CC: to Bcc: or the "mailing list"

How would I do a test of the form:

If To: email address contains then check for To: real name
contains Mike or Michael or is blank?

> From: Mike Spamassassin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> > From: Mike Spamassassin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >>
>> >> I have seen a rule to identify that the "From" address does not
>> >> have a "real name", which I presume is the description (i.e. in
>> >> my case "Mike Spamassassin").  I would like to have a rule which
>> >> identifies emails where the "To" address does not contain either
>> >> "Mike" or "Michael".  Has anyone created a similar rule, or can
>> >> anyone point me in the right direction.
>> >
>> > As has been pointed out before, this is generally a bad idea.
>> > There are lots of newsletters and mailing lists (including this
>> > one) that do not put your name in the "To" field.
>> >
>> > If you want to try it, you can use a rule such as this:
>> >
>> >     header NOT_MY_NAME To:name !~ /\b(?:Mike|Michael)\b/i
>> >     score NOT_MY_NAME 0.5
>> >     describe NOT_MY_NAME To does not contain Mike or Michael
>> >
>> > Adjust the score to your liking.  Don't put it too high until you
>> > are sure it's not going to produce too may false positives.
>> >
>> > If you do this, you may need to whitelist some of your mailing
>> > lists and newsletters.
>> Thanks for your help.
>> I will try this out, and see how it goes.
>> Presumably it could be amended to check for Mike, Michael or blank to
>> avoid the problem you mentioned.
>> I will look up the regular expression syntax and see if I can
>> suss it out.
> I'm not quite sure how to check for the absence of a real name.  I
> guess I could go find the rule that checks the From line, but I'm too
> lazy at the moment. :)
> This might work:
>     header NOT_MY_NAME To:name !~ /\b(?:Mike|Michael)\b|^$/i
> It is still susceptible to false positives, tho.  How about this
> example:
>     To: "Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Since SA uses Perl regular expressions, these two pages may be useful:
>     Perl Regular Expressions Quick Start
>     Perl Regular Expressions Tutorial
> Bowie

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