On Tue, Sep 27, 2005 at 03:34:41PM -0400, Matthew Yette wrote:
> What email address or URL should be used in the suspected-spam report
> text for users who want more information on your filter installation?
> (In particular, ISPs should change this to a local Postmaster contact)
> default text: [the administrator of that system] <we put a link to our
> website here explaining the rejection>
> Is this bounce message only sent if my message scores between the threshold
> and the sa_delete variables? (In our case, 5 and 7)

What bounce message?  As the prompt indicates, the text you put in is put into
the report markup (basically it sets the report_contact config option).  SA
does not generate bounce messages or anything.

Randomly Generated Tagline:
"[handing an apple to a doctor] Here you go. This should keep you away
 from yourself for at least a day.  How do you like them apples?"
                        - Alton Brown, Good Eats, "Apple Family Values"

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