Brian S. Powell wrote:
On Thu, 29 Sep 2005, Daryl C. W. O'Shea wrote:

I'll bet you tomorrow's lunch that you haven't manually set your
trusted_networks.  Do so and all should be well.

I have been running this software for two years, have read through
the docs on countless ocassions, and never discovered the existence
of this setting.

Isn't there some way to make setting trusted_networks a required part of the installation process? This is probably the single most common misconfiguration.

< The first time the question might be asked is well into the install
< process. And unless a page of documentation is popped up in the user's
< face setting trusted_networks is likely to add an erroneous entry or
< lead to half an install. SA gets erroneous entries just as easily with
< the existing script. And SA avoids the "half an install" situation. So
< I suspect the current mode is best. How many SA newbies might be smart
< enough to fill it in right if you used "smarthost" or similar terms
< for the trusted network parlance? "Your own network and your smtp
< server's address" might work. But then "^C<trundle><grundle>look up
< email programs smarthost/smtp server<grundle><regrundle>check my
< greymatter recall of the address just found<trundle>back to try to
< install again, try to run, discover I transposed two digits...."
< (Yeah, yeah, multitasking works. But I've watched people used to
< running multiple programs at once abort rather than push into the
< background temporarily. So....) I suppose if you like slapstick
< humor a question in the middle of the install is a good idea. And if
< some RTFM had taken place the question's answer would be at the user's
< finger tips. But we all know that for most people RTFM means ReTrash
< Fine Manuals.


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