Adrian Daminato wrote:
> I'm also wondering if anyone has been able to find any more specific
> information around Cloudmark's policies for their publicly available
> servers that Razor2 uses.  Even though we have been using Razor for over
> a year, after this recent change in Spamassassin, it's made us wary as
> to whether we can/should continue using this service (i.e. what exactly
> does "not always free" mean to us?).

Yep.  Way back in the razor-users mailing list archives...

Vipul himself stated:

"As long as ISP does not publish commercial software that embeds Razor,
it's covered under personal usage."


"The restrictions only apply to those who are selling commercial
systems that integrate Razor agents."

This is two years old (it's from the thread announcing the policy), but
AFAIK it's still valid.  So it should still be free for a business or
ISP to use Razor on its email server.

As for volume, the last number I remember seeing is 100,000+ checks/day,
but that pre-dates the August 2003 policy.  If you're near or above
that, you might want to ask over at razor-users or contact Cloudmark,
but I'd guess that if they haven't blocked queries from your IP, you're
probably OK.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications <>

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