I'm seeing this spamd error now in my syslog and I haven't a clue as to what 
it means.  Could someone possibly assist?

Oct  2 13:08:47 cpollock spamd[28098]: prefork: child states: BI 
Oct  2 13:08:48 cpollock spamd[28098]: spamd: handled cleanup of child pid 
30717 due to SIGCHLD 
Oct  2 13:08:48 cpollock spamd[28098]: prefork: select returned error on 
server filehandle:  
Oct  2 13:08:48 cpollock spamd[28098]: spamd: server successfully spawned 
child process, pid 712 
Oct  2 13:08:48 cpollock spamd[28098]: prefork: child states: II 

Registered Linux User 283774 http://counter.li.org
14:55:08 up 22 days, 3:07, 1 user, load average: 0.49, 0.26, 0.19
Mandriva Linux 10.1 Official, kernel
Because we don't think about future generations, they will never forget us.
                -- Henrik Tikkanen

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