Dermot Paikkos wrote:

SpamAssassin version 3.1.0 running on Perl version 5.8.0
With Exim 4.43

I upgraded my SA to 3.1 recently and am having trouble with the bayes_path. My had the full path to my bayes as /usr/exim/.spamassassin. I had received a couple of warnings about this when I ran lint so changed the path to /usr/exim/spamassassin. Lint accepted this even though I hadn't got round to moving the directory. As I tested SA I notices in the logs:

Yeah it can't create the file because the same named directory already exists.

error: mkdir /.spamassassin: Permission denied at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Mail/ line 1467
error: locker: safe_lock: cannot create tmp lockfile /.spamassassin

So I created the directory path /usr/exim/spamassassin and copied the files into it, ran lint and got warn: config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, "/usr/exim/spamassassin" is not valid for "bayes_path".
Is it not possible to give a full path for bayes?

Full path AND filename stub is required.

I have read somewhere that the best value for the bayes_path is ~/.spamassassin. I am not sure how this would translate on my system. Is this $HOME/.spamassassin?

From the ultra-secretive (Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf) man page:

bayes_path /path/filename     (default: ~/.spamassassin/bayes)

       This is the directory and filename for Bayes databases.  Several
       databases will be created, with this as the base directory and
       filename, with "_toks", "_seen", etc. appended to the base.  The
       default setting results in files called "~/.spamassas-
       sin/bayes_seen", "~/.spamassassin/bayes_toks", etc.

So you'd want to use:

bayes_path      $HOME/.spamassassin/bayes

..which is probably the same as the default ~/.spamassassin/bayes


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