On Wed, Oct 05, 2005 at 06:28:48AM +0100, John Hodson wrote:
> I have solved this problem with the help of suggestions from Rick
> Macdougall, Matthew Newton, and Bob Menchal. Thanks chaps!


> suggestions were using spamassassin -D to debug, corrupt Rule in .cf file,
> and corrupt bayes database.
> It turned out to be a problem with one of the rules in one of the many .cf
> files I have "acquired" over the last year or so (thanks Matt!).

It took us a week to solve the same problem, and I didn't want
anyone else to go through the same experience if it was the same

> Because the pressure was on, and after having tried to identify which file
> it was unsuccessfully, I just trashed (backed up) the lot and started
> again. This is because I do not know how to get the debugging to tell me
> which file is being sourced during the 3 minute delay it causes.
> If anyone can help me with this, I can perhaps come back with more detail.

I'm no SpamAssassin expert, so don't know if there is a way of
persuading it to tell you about which rules it is using, but if
you have an e-mail that definitely causes the system to freeze,
you should easily be able to do a binary search over the rules
files to find the culprit. I'd be inclined to start by eliminating
the SARE rules, as they are probably _not_ the problem (there are
at least some expert rule-writers out there!). After that, you may
not have too many files left.

When you've found the file, you can do a binary search of the
rules within it, if the answer is not obvious.

Maybe there is a better way with SA telling you which rules it is
using, though. I'd be interested if there is.



Matthew Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

UNIX and e-mail Systems Administrator, Network Support Section,
Computer Centre, University of Leicester,
Leicester LE1 7RH, United Kingdom

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