Is it possible to use Razor 2 for a business email server or is it limited to personal use only? Has anyone been able to obtain a license to do this or have you discontinued using Razor 2 with SpamAssassin? I couldn't find information on the couldmark web site and I haven't received a response to my request for more information. 

Cloudmark SpamNet Service Policy

Aug 1, 2003

SpamNet Service and Razor-Agents 

While Razor-Agents are distributed under the Artistic License and will
stay that way, the Cloudmark SpamNet service, a particular implementation
of a Razor-compliant back-end, is a commercial operation with maintenance
and support costs, and is no longer available for unlimited free use,
effective immediately.

Use of the SpamNet service by Razor-agent-enabled software will remain
free for personal use, subject to capacity constraints that Cloudmark may
enforce against intensive users of the service as it sees fit.

Distribution or use of the system in commercial embedded software
solutions is not free. All such access must be licensed by Cloudmark.
Organizations interested in working with Razor or with Cloudmark's
next-generation SpamNet client technologies should contact Cloudmark at

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