Garry Glendown wrote:
I've run into kind of a problem at a customer installation, someone
suggested part of my problem could be solved w/ SpamAssassin, though at
the moment it might still miss some features required ...

Here we go ... This customer before had (and is still in the process of
changing over from) Novel w/ Tobit David. While the whole system might
be a POS considering a decent Unix system :) it had some features that
come in handy - specifically the customer had been able to define what
happened with certain mails. Before, he was able to:

- quarantine large files for admin approval
- quarantine certain file types for admin approval
- limit number of recipients, mails exceeding the number would be
quarantined again

plus a couple of other minor things that I could implement easily
w/MailScanner or similar tools. Now, I could limit the recipients, but
it's a all or nothing situation at the moment (running sendmail, which I
would rather not change if possible). From browsing the docs, I found
config options for the .cf files that might allow me to change the
recipient header to somebody else if certain rules are met.

What I did not find, either overlooked, by not knowing what to look for,
or because it's simply not there, are the points listed above. In that
combination (I can block files types w/ Mailscanner, but again, they
would not be brought to the admin's attention).

So, is there any chance of implementing the above features with
SpamAssassin, or does anybody happen to know a tool that might be able
to? I'd be willing to go through the sources to tweak them a bit for
added features, too, if someone could point me towards the general
direction ... (not really much of a Perl hacker, though, rather do C...)

Tnx, -garry


from what it sounds like, you should be able to accomplish all that (and more) with Can-IT Pro ... it's a commercial product based on the MIMEDefang engine. You can probably do it all with MIMEDefang, but since you said you're not much of a Perl hacker, it'd be easier for you to go with the already-feature-rich commercial product. (at least look at it)

you can check out or for references for both respectively.



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