Only difference with my 'spamassassin --lint -D' output I saw was that
after the line 'uridnsbl: domains to query' I have a block of 14 lines
with 'dns: checking RBL sbl-xbl.etcetera' that you don't have. Probably
not important. And I can't see your SARE-rules getting loaded, in my
output I see SARE being loaded after the line 'config: using "/<dir>" for
site rules dir'. The v310.pre and init.pre are the same as mine.

Maybe (like already suggested) the user that starts spamassassin could be
checked for having a user_prefs file, or for having permission troubles.
Also with 'cat mail | spamassassin -D' you should be able to see if that
specific mail is checked against DCC and Razor. Again, best to check that
is with the same user that executes spamassassin.
You could also sniff on ports tcp/2703 (razor) and udp/6277 (dcc).


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