Gregory P. Ennis wrote:

> I upgraded from 3.0.4 to 3.1.0
> On the slower machine spamd seemed to quit working allowing the mail
> to go through the system without being filtered.
> I started using the roound-robin switch, with marked improvement.
> The problem is resolved by restarting the daemon.  Has anyone else
> had this problem with 3.1.0.

Yes.  My 3.1.0 spamd lasted about 36 hours into a three-day weekend,
then refused all further connections.  It wasn't dead enough for the
sanity checker to restart it, but it wasn't alive enough to be any
use.  There were a handful of zombies under it.

The machine has 600M of free RAM on top of the 1.1g of FS cache, so no
problem there.

I had --max-children=30 and have since added --min-spare=10 and

I'm also keeping an eye on CPU use, because 3.1.0 spamd uses a lot
more than 3.0.4 did.  A day or so after it supposedly died, one spamd
started consuming 100% of a CPU.  I'm not sure it's related but if a
dog is biting itself *and* frothing at the mouth...

Andrew Donkin                  Waikato University, Hamilton,  New Zealand

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