Hello –


I am trying to manage a SpamAssassin implementation with a MySQL backend for users to manage their own settings. I am running into some strange problems with this, however.


When I do a spamassassin –lint, I receive the following message:


config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: user_scores_sql_table           userpref

warning: score set for non-existent rule BAYES_90

warning: score set for non-existent rule BAYES_70

warning: score set for non-existent rule HABEAS_SWE


The first line is what concerns me – the table definitely exists, and the SQL user can access it, etc. That line also comes after several other SQL config lines in the local.cf file, which I am placing below:


# Setup db vars to point to the MySQL prefs

user_scores_dsn                 DBI:mysql:mail:localhost

user_scores_sql_username        mail

user_scores_sql_password        ************

user_scores_sql_table           userpref


To add additional strangeness, SpamAssassin seems to be using the SQL table for some things and not others. For instance, if I modify bounce-levels or reporting options, SpamAssassin will take them into account. However, the whitelist_from and blacklist_from options seem to be being ignored. Debug output from spamc and spamd don’t show any errors relating to this.


I am running spamd at boot time with the following command:



spamd_flags=${spamd_flags:-"-c -d -Q -r ${spamd_pidfile} "}


The server is running SpamAssassin 3.0.3, Perl 5.8.7, MySQL 4.1.15.


Any help anyone can provide would be of great assistance. Thanks! I will gladly provide any additional info (within reason of course – don’t expect my root passwords or anything) if anyone needs it.



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