On Samstag, 29. Oktober 2005 06:33 Linda Walsh wrote:
> Assuming it is some sort of berkeley db format, what is a good
> cut-over size as a "rule-of-thumb"...or is there?  What should I
> expect in speeds  for "sa-learn" or spamc?  I.e. -- is there a
> rough guideline for when it becomes more effective to use SQL
> vs. the Berkeley DB?  Or rephrased, when it is worth the effort to
> convert to SQL and ensure all the SQL software is setup and running?

I don't know whether this really is a performance question, but I 
believe it's more of a "do I need it" question. For example, if you use 
a system wide bayes db, you probably won't need SQL. I do this for now.

But if some users want/need their own bayes, or own settings, it starts 
becoming easier to use SQL for all that things - it's quickly becoming 
easier to manage, after 5 users or so need their special config. That's 
why I'm thinking of switching to SQL.

Does anybody know whether MySQL or PostgreSQL is better suited for the 
job? I prefer PostgreSQL, but many times MySQL is better supported...

mfg zmi
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