On Sunday 30 October 2005 14:28, Marc Perkel wrote:
> Ajay Sharma wrote:
> > Marc Perkel wrote:
> >>
> >> How does everyone else deal with this?
> >
> > Have you looked into MySQL replication?
> >
> > http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/replication.html
> >
> > I have a master/slave setup and the slave is there for two reasons:
> >
> > 1) nightly dumps
> > 2) emergency backup.
> >
> > So every night, the database is locked and we do a full mysqldump on
> > every database.  Once the lock is removed, the slave sync's back up
> > with the master.
> >
> > If the master dies then we can switch all of our machines to start
> > using the slave until the master comes back online.  It's not
> > automatic, but it won't take too long.
> >
> > --Ajay
> Thanks - I'll look ast it. Is it hard to set up? Does it require all
> databases sysc or can you set them up individually?

It's not hard to setup through I've had problems with the AWL and Bayes tables 
breaking periodically. Doing a full mysqldump nightly as suggested above 
should help with that.

To control fail-over, we use a pair of Gentoo boxes and ipvs to do load 
balancing and fail-over. SA talks to the virtual IP which points to the 
primary box or fails over to the back up if the primary is down. (Note: I am 
not currently using AWL or Bayes so the 2nd server is read-only. You can get 
around this by using a chained replication thing so A->B->A but that can be 
hairy to setup.)

Randy Smith

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