Greetings, battlers.

I would like to rewrite headers on incoming spam without having SA
prepend "X-Spam-" to them.  Two reasons:

First, I want to get rid of "Disposition-Notification-To" because many
of my users configure their Outlook to automatically honour delivery
notifications.  That creates an outgoing email when they read or
delete a spam message.

Second, I have a set of GroupWise users.  They cannot write rules on
arbitrary headers, such as "X-Spam-Flag".  Instead, they can only
write rules based on a list of headers that Novell have chosen, none
of which begins with "X-Spam-".

Sadly both of these reasons sound lame: daft Outlook users and a daft
Novell application.  However there's nothing I can do about that so
I'm going to hack SA instead.

Does anyone else have similar needs?  Is such a feature already in the

you can do this in many places:
- MTA. with postfix, you can use header_checks (after the content filter for the x-spam header) and REPLACE or IGNORE
- content filter. you can hack amavisd if you're using it.
- MDA. this is easy with either procmail or maildrop

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